Potency is considered an indicator of male well-being in physical and psycho-emotional terms. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as lack of sexual desire and desire, weak erection and inability to feel orgasm, become a serious cause for concern. And with age men are increasingly feeling discomfort in intimate life. Increasing potency in men after the age of 40 is aimed at treating erectile dysfunction, boosting self-esteem and reducing the risk of developing prostatitis, impotence and other diseases.
Potency in men under 40 years of age
In medical terms, potency in men over the age of 40 is defined as the ability to maintain sexual activity. Distinctive signs are the stability and duration of the erection, as well as the speed of its achievement, the duration of sexual intercourse, timely ejaculation. However, the frequency of sexual intercourse is not considered an indicator of the norm, as stated earlier. Men can lead a full intimate life in the absence of psychological stability and health problems.

Due to age-related changes and physiological processes, the level of the hormone androgen in the blood, from the age of thirty, begins to gradually decrease. However, this process can be significantly accelerated under the influence of various factors such as:
- Obesity;
- Hypodynamics;
- Irrational diet;
- Passion for alcohol;
- Diabetes in the decompensation stage;
- Long-term drug treatment with certain medications.
Low levels of hormones lead to the development of pathologies in the urogenital system, leading to impotence.
It is important to know!Despite the unfavorable prognosis, a man can maintain a high quality erection and enjoy an intimate life until old age if he monitors his health and visits specialists regularly.
Causes of bed problems
Decreased potency in men after the age of 40 is due to neurogenic disorders that prevent the transmission of nerve impulses from brain cells to the genitals. Doctors distinguish two groups of factors affecting the natural course of the neurovascular process: physiological and psychogenic origin. The first category includes the following terms.
- Systemic diseases that occur in a chronic form, leading to a deterioration of the blood supply to the genitals - atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension.
- Bad habits - smoking, alcohol or drug addiction.
- Severe neurological pathologies - Parkinson's disease.
- Oncological processes due to progressive tumor growth.
- Heart attacks and strokes.
- Inflammation, trauma, damage to the testicles, as well as surgery on this organ.
- Violation of the integrity of the spinal cord
- Diseases of the genitourinary system, including prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
- Long-term drug therapy - sedatives, tranquilizers, diuretics, antidepressants.
- Frequent or extended bike or scooter rides.
Experts attribute the following causes to a group of psychogenic factors.
- Constant stress, nervous and mental stress;
- Weakness, overwork, lack of adequate rest and sleep;
- Depressive conditions, anxiety disorder;
- Conflicts and problems at work or at home;
- Episodes of past sexual failure.
According to experts, genetic predisposition or irregular sexual intercourse can lead to impaired erectile function. Only a doctor - urologist or andrologist can determine the exact cause of the disorder.
The first signs of impotence
Because of the individuality of each man's body, erectile dysfunction manifests itself differently. There is usually talk of impotence in a situation where the inability to have full-fledged sexual contact is repeated on a regular basis. Moreover, it is accompanied by a number of disorders. Doctors determine the signs after impotence in men over the age of 40.
- Sexual impotence, weak sexual desire and lack of desire.
- Problems with the appearance of an erection, namely the appearance of spontaneous tension of the penis or its complete absence.
- Difficulty achieving orgasm caused by psychological stress.
- Decreased erection due to penile lethargy.
- Early (premature) ejaculation.
Tip!If after 40 years in men the above symptoms of impotence are accompanied by an increased desire to urinate, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate the presence of diseases of the genital system. In any case, it will be impossible to normalize the process independently, properly selected treatment is needed to restore potency.
Lack of adequate therapy can lead to unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences. This is caused by the development of stagnation and in the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the urogenital area. As a result, there is a risk of developing diseases such as:
- Orchitis;
- Epididymitis;
- Vesiculitis;
- Chronic prostatitis.
The reason for the development of pathologies is the following. The composition of the sperm released as a result of sexual intercourse includes the secretion produced by the prostate. In the absence of normal ejaculation, it experiences stagnation and becomes a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Spreading along the genital tract, they damage the relevant organs and cause the emergence of the above pathologies. Another aspect of the weakening of potency is the lack of confidence in the strength of men in the face of failure in bed, leading to the development of depressive states, psychosis and nervous disorders.
This disorder requires the intervention of a specialist who, depending on the etiology of the problem, will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy. As practice shows, the advances of modern medicine make it possible to completely cure the disease in 90% of cases.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction
Forty years later the choice of method of increasing potency depends on the severity of the disorder and the presence of concomitant diseases. Experts advise you to start with a lifestyle change, to organize your daily routine properly, to give up drug hobbies and habits, and to correct eating behaviors. In some cases, these measures are sufficient to return the potential to normal. Otherwise, erectile dysfunction requires complex treatment.

According to the famous TV presenter of the popular medical show, if at the age of 40 problems with potency were provoked by any disease or pathological process, taking medication will definitely be necessary. It includes hormone injections, instant medications, topical agents.
Hormone therapy
Long-acting drugs (injections, capsules) are the most popular because they do not cause a hormonal increase while maintaining the effect for up to three months.
Instant medications
In advanced cases of sexual impotence, patients are advised to take the drug in the form of tablets prescribed by a specialist to achieve a fast and stable erection within a few hours (or days).
Ointments and sprays
They are sometimes designed to increase potency and promote local blood flow to the area around the penis. Men say that after a certain period of time after application, you can achieve a completely stable erection.
We must remember that the main difficulty in treating erectile dysfunction lies in correctly identifying the cause of the disorder. Therefore, you should avoid shame and undergo a full and comprehensive examination.
Doctors rarely resort to surgical methods of treatment, since the restoration of erectile function is possible in 90% of cases of impotence. If there is a problem with the blood flow level, the surgeon performs a deep vein ligation of the penis. In case of reduced erection due to insufficient blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the male member, arterial bypass surgery is performed.

With complete loss of erection, this technique is ineffective and then the doctor applies a phalloprosthesis. Implants are made of hypoallergenic material and are produced in several versions: semi-rigid, single, two-component or three-component models. Phalloprosthesis does not affect penile sensitivity, orgasm and ejaculation. It simply allows you to achieve an erection during sexual intercourse.
Folk recipes
Causes of impotence in men over the age of 40 can be eliminated naturally, without medical intervention and medication. This approach will be effective only if the pathology is not related to the course of the disease. If sexual impotence arose as a result of excessive work, stress, stagnation, then home-made folk remedies will become an effective method of stimulating it.
Beekeeping products
Tincture from bee worm. Mix 1 part of raw material and 3 hours of vodka in a glass jar. Seal tightly, remove to a dark place for three weeks. Then strain the product and take 20 drops twice a day after meals.
Propolis tincture. You will need 20 g of natural raw materials and 80 g of vodka to prepare the required amount of medicine for one course of therapy. You should insist for at least a week, after which you should take 20-30 drops half an hour before eating. In a glass of water.
Drone homogenate, like dust-dust, is considered to be a good remedy with rich in vitamin and mineral composition. One of them should be taken in a teaspoon 20-30 minutes before breakfast.
An unpleasant taste and smell, but a highly effective medicine is considered to be tincture of castorum (beaver stream). You can prepare yourself 200 g of dry raw material (animal anal glands) and 1 liter of vodka. You should insist for a month and drink a teaspoon 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before eating (drink coffee or drink chicory).
Biologically active additives
Supplements can be purchased at the pharmacy as there is a huge selection of natural remedies. Specialist consultation is required before use.
You can increase libido and boost your potency with the help of medicinal herbs and spices such as:
- Ginseng tincture;
- Nettle decoction, ginger root, willow grass, St. John's wort, Rodiola rosa;
- Granulated dry garlic;
- Dill seeds, celery, parsley.
Medicinal plants such as onion or onion, parsley, dubrovnik, calamus root, ginkgo biloba, aloe or agave, aspen bark are considered to be quite effective.
Nutrition principles
Lack of essential nutrients, vitamin deficiency gradually leads to dysfunction of the male reproductive and reproductive systems. Lack of elements such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium, leads to a decrease in potency, which leads to a lack of sexual desire. Nutritionists recommend the following foods in your diet:
- Chicken or beef liver;
- Cereals - wheat, oats, rice;
- sea Products;
- Legumes - lentils, peas, beans;
- corn;
- Eggs - chicken or quail;
- Nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds;
- Beekeeping products - honey, propolis, molasses;
- Cabbage - cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts.
A balanced diet allows to improve overall health in a short period of time, restore the required amount of nutrients, accumulate energy, which has a positive effect on the sexual and reproductive areas.
Therapeutic gymnastics and massage
A few simple and well-known exercises will help improve blood circulation and increase erection. They should be performed regularly with a gradual increase in load. The video can be found on the internet. Most effective:

- Sit in the morning - arms outstretched at the waist or forward;
- "Bicycle" - imitation of movements such as pedaling;
- Pushes off the floor while only lifting the upper torso;
- While sitting on a chair, collect the scattered grains, and the shoulders should be straightened.
Tip!Beneficial is the Kegel set of exercises, the essence of which lies in alternating tension and relaxation of the perineum and pelvic floor muscles. They not only strengthen the muscles but also help increase blood flow to the genitals.
Assistance from a psychotherapist
Psychological impotence cannot be treated with medication as the cause of the disorder is in the patient's head. For a successful outcome of therapy, the doctor relies on the man's emotional sensitivity during the sessions. Psychotherapist assistance is provided in the following areas:
- Elimination of provoking factors;
- Escape from complexes;
- Stress relief;
- Improving emotional state;
- Strengthening self-confidence;
- Developing a sense of completeness;
- Maintain a desire to tackle the problem.
Men need to get rid of their own fears, both alone and in the presence of a partner. It is therefore recommended to hold sessions in pairs.
Prevention of potency problems at 40 years of age
Many members of the stronger sex have no idea how to improve potency. Doctors offer a variety of ways to restore erectile ability, including phalloplasty. To prevent sexual dysfunction, it is recommended to follow the rules that explain how to maintain and improve male potency after 40 years:

- Regular but moderate physical activity;
- Active sports (except cycling);
- Rejection of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs;
- Good rest and sleep for at least 8 hours;
- Timely treatment of diseases of the internal organs and genital system;
- Regular sex life;
- Prevention of excessive sexual contact.
In addition, it is important to maintain a state of inner harmony, maintain a positive infusion and avoid as much as possible stressful situations, pronounced nervous and psycho-emotional overloads.
Modern life, mainly in metropolises, brings no benefit to the human body. Stress, overwork negatively affects men’s health. As a result, problems arise in the sexual sphere, potency is weakened or disappears altogether. In this situation it is important not to be alone with yourself, but to turn to specialists for qualified help. At the same time, you need to change your lifestyle as much as possible and then it will again be filled with bright moments of intimacy.